Infocus has launched Bingo 50 it’s latest budget 4G smartphone in the Bingo series India. It has a 5-inch HD display, is powered by a 1.3 GHz Quad-Core MediaTek MT6735 processor and runs on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) with InLife UI 2.0. It has a 8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and a 8-megapixel auto focus front-facing camera. It also has dual SIM support.
In This Post I Will Give You rooting Guide For Infous Bingo 50.
rooting your device will void its warranty and you will be no longer eligible for any kind of free device services by the manufacturers/warranty providers. Make sure that whatever you do, you are doing it at your own responsibility.
Steps For Rooting Infocus Bingo 50
Step 1: First Download the root app For Micromax Canvas spark 3 from : Here
Step 2: Install King root on your phone. ( To install it you first need to enable Unknown sources in Setting )
Step 3: Open the application, And tap on the "Root" button.
Step 4: It will take about 5 minutes to root your phone and after the process your phone will be rooted
Step 5: After the process is finished check your apps gallery, If you can find a new app installed named "king user" it means that your Phone is successfully rooted.
So, Friends this was all about Root Infocus Bingo 50 and keep visiting out website to get more updates on this phone, And tricks and tip about android phone . And if you have any doubt or got any problem while rooting Infocus Bingo 50 just Comment it below, We will try to solve it as soon as possible.
Very useful post
very simple step
i cant root via kingroot... my infocus m460 (bingo 50)
dear sir....
it shows... root failed...
**we will research yhe model while we got more requests***
present 271ppls.... hiw much they want to solve....
please show me a way to root my phone... infocus bingo 50...
i'll be waiting for ur reply....
have u got root..... is ur phone... ingocus m460....?
please anyone show me how i can...?
please anyone show me how i can...?
have u got root..... is ur phone... ingocus m460....?
dear sir....
it shows... root failed...
**we will research yhe model while we got more requests***
present 271ppls.... hiw much they want to solve....
I am trying for root by kingroot apps
But not root my phone
please show me a way to root my phone... infocus bingo 50...
i'll be waiting for ur reply....
No my infocus bingo 50 . This process did not work. Plz solution my rooting problem
No my infocus bingo 50 . This process did not work. Plz solution my rooting problem